Emotional Dysregulation Help in Wheat Ridge

Do you or your child struggle with overwhelming emotions, sudden mood swings, or feeling out of control? At Omega Functional Health, we go beyond traditional methods to uncover the deeper causes of emotional dysregulation. Through innovative therapies like vagus nerve stimulation and brain-based therapies, we help you restore emotional balance and stability. Imagine feeling more calm and centered, with fewer emotional ups and downs. Our unique, compassionate approach doesn’t just treat the symptoms—it addresses the root causes, helping you or your child unlock a new level of emotional well-being.

Meet The Team

Dr. Sam Chiropractor

Dr. Sam McDonald
Clinical Care Director

Hello there! I’m Dr. Sam McDonald, a friendly face at Omega Functional Health, where I lead as the functional health chiropractor.
Learn more about Sam

Dr. Lynn Tran

Dr. Lynn Tran
Clinical Care Director

Hello! I’m Dr. Lynn Tran, a functional health chiropractor at Omega Functional Health, where I focus on building strong connections with my patients.
Learn more about Lynn